Blood Donation Camp |
2016 |
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life
by what we give."
- Winston Churchill
Valingro Group Employees are
constantly encouraged to do
community service and
contribute to society.
Valingro Cultural and Social
Committee (VCSC) organised a
Blood Donation Camp in this
VCSC joined hands with
Jeevan Stem Cell Bank,
Chennai and organised a
“Blood Donation Camp” on Nov
3, 2016 from 10am to 1 pm at
the Valingro Office & also
from 2pm to 5pm at SPEL
Factory premises, Maraimalai
Valingro Group employees
turned out in large numbers
to donate blood. Around 45
units of blood were
collected by Jeevan Stem
Cell bank and it is to be
used for patients for
various medical needs.
Only 50 percent of the
country's blood requirement
is fulfilled through such
blood donation camps.
Hence Valingro accomplished
the need to create awareness
amongst Employees for active
participation in a noble